Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Association

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Our mailing address is: BHANA, P.O. Box 15732, San Antonio, TX 78212-5732

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  is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to neighborhood unity and  revitalization.  Our area is bounded by Hildebrand on the North, Fredericksburg on the South and the Union Pacific railroad tracks between Blanco and San Pedro on the East and the Union Pacific railroad tracks along IH-10 on the west.
  Meetings are Open
Membership meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7 PM, usually at Cotton Elementary.

Topic:  (Note - please see the new site for current meeting info)

Boards & Committees


Helpful Links


President - Harry Wallace

Vice President - Lola Rodriguez

Email the whole BHANA Board

Donations are always welcome and may be sent to the address at the top of the page or made through PayPal. Please specify how you would like your donation to be applied (i.e. benevolent fund, National Night Out,community garden, general operations, etc.). Donations are not tax-deductible.


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This site was last updated 03/22/2016